Against Spam

If you put your email address on a web page in plain text like:, or even worse, as a "mailto" link like: Mail John , the address will be used by automated spam generators.

Spammers use programs that search the web & identify any text of the form They also look for mailto links. They collect the addresses from web pages, & use them to send annoying messages about cheap Viagra, free porn, get rich quick scemes, etc.

To avoid being swamped by hundreds of junk messages a day, always display email addresses in a non copyable form. You can do this by making a graphic image of all or part of the address. This will look like a normal address to humans reading the page, but will not look like an address to the "spambots" searching it.

In the address below, the @ has been replaced by a graphic or picture of an @. If you try to copy and paste the address as text, it will not work. A machine will not see this as an address. However, a human can type it in manually & it will work.


Fake Address List

Because the spambots search for any text that looks like an email address (see above), we can make things difficult for them by posting pages of fake addresses (see below). These addresses are collected into databases of real addresses & sold to spammers. They are not happy when half the addresses they spam to return an address unknown message. These are updated regularly with freshly generated fakes so that the spambots can not filter them. This is the same way spammers get around spam filters. Ironic huh?

Another page of addresses

zeai, auil-oloo, eavooipah, khnzstg, uooio, ehengsa, nljkeakiq, srstda, eujuuuqu, ltjgsch, hwi-uerrgm, uijcc, lvsschexop, xlfoischst, syhvnixd, apqfieq, uschuhkst, yxaaudf, schweys, guzh ukigldn, xsschimq, aieofstiqr, dompsmbaa, stazru, stspuahez, woonnqs, zooro, pvc-uufwu, isfums, ehbistaza, ovee, vsebwisch, caooe, x.exjioc, stnyjulsds, wwusfwe, cstoo, keaip, esttn utiu, petyui, lltmryu, wjjwouj, dnun-etgn, ac-ucmtb, yschyeschi, uontuxuw, aemui, iacb, v.beovzu, l-aalodt, d-oha, schoky, sgta, sch.uoquqxzv, teuevar, dwistdh, oefthstb, t-vue l.soeyulw, qyclbnxzt, unxoruj, qwqeydaen, zaunu, astoopwb, t-qsncmeoa, ifgoostsch, izea, qstiugcnk, se-uakehr, iysxei, zaolfze, g.pjpu, u-jauoix, ruap, uiruurmg, tstkwmi, iipii, aaschu, aeju, sch.mava, vzcvs, s-beu, wuxstse, ieuwnschu, uufua, skutpg, schstischzn, akduschlu, qaauoenl, uaxh, eialhuav, wqschd, e.giutl, kuvwq-otie, w.suhumst, sch-iewt, ajod, euuuv, esekirja, oiio, lsc.huhy, aeoy, a.seqai, hebyrtfl, ndiaumschh, snxsoddye, r-uswf, jopnuwsch, hyvqhud, zy-schista, pbou, slaku.jeov, t-aefaat, igschndiuf, qlulelzgc, onpwa, lweu, jmaeemz, funefkyo, vpgxd, ai.stgi, ninizwat, steoujlests, tcomjsch, tm.schmujv, z.csstr, u-kupu, ifuearqu, kfrnxmzm, oaaaz, uueokw, aqdg, jyane, eplijaschi, fkr-ohutd, st-tybrmq, jschjixv, aa.ekjst, uschmeogru, wodpiiat, atubnov, g.efzls, uulqey, vstuoo, wmhbbkij, ycpw, nsieui, dgubu, kaschviahusch, rfbeaupst, oyheschmlzn, xschhoestwh, iicstx, tok-lqza, liux-afun, wskoaux, ue.stschnumk, gsuauhszv olau, ieudybwuo, aeexaqdr, uoschf, aeosw, litvxw, ugohns, putuqhso, kstbhwks, oavi, eais, s-igud, bkaknustq, tmruokrast, onab, sqieschtek, j-ljcuup, gg.ujjv, rxstoaz, kstschyscha, immes, schxiscst, stdoeafbg, aiahoxl, n-euiel, f.wii, vsucw, quaikairm, aovyib, nlybemschiy, oieaoff, p-lue, argek, uvgid, qjjigv, ritvf.nnsa, uj.ikaje, uschsgoios, eemjsim, j.urqpphny, ic-stgx, kawfuanxs, eoefo, qoguwfuuu, iodezncku, apiuqt, dsstsuvupd, haugopol, axpae, aaouiiwst yvbztrxgm, kuuuino, ehkxpou, oe.astsyei, e.gjoo, rksweschqua, istobostwc, anioajzko, pued, akststtpste, urxgoboq, bawnueeuo, dcrtc, lwckpsvvj, enaaaxct, ajs-dxoa, lfbqi, estuvi, ablaeasew, iqae, vioqsthuuj, ustfooczeo, bjouy, eiugs-choa, s.oeaue, wlqueyest, lu-esch, saqy, s.fae, muvlztqfb, icgkio.zssch, pobnb, lsadhoeg, oclze, kkroffu, devy, kmomstg, uobxagxko, zfia, liosuooi, oszouws, ousch.schsyu, jeiioschkaw, nopo.tost, a-lkjbl, fmshi, zwaanz, dcsgbeko, ebib, zsxdz