The Winter Feast is the original and most successful event of its kind, having started in 1992. Each year we invite those of Pagan/Heathen/Magickal paths to attend. By attending, feast guests participate in a rite of fellowship and promote friendship between groups and individuals.
The Feast is held at a Scout camp in the South of Sydney, with forest surroundings and comfortable overnight acommodation available at no extra cost for those who should not drive home until rested. In past years we catered for up to 130 guests, but in the interest of comfort and intimacy, we will limit numbers to 80 in future.
Our chef, Brian, can always be relied upon for great food. We are also very grateful for all of the wonderful guests who show so much enjoyment. Of course, the entertainers are all personally thanked and invited back.
If you are interested in attending the Feast, please read the Information for Guests
Also fill in the Registration Form
The Brueghel Players give us a tune
A traditional toast
Sweyn and Kara as Feast Hosts
Cost: $35 Australian (Meal & Venue cost). Accommodation no extra cost.
When: Sunday of the June long weekend. 7pm. Arrive anytime on Sunday. There will be various activities during the day.
Age: 18 and over. 16 (or close to it and mature) if accompanied by an adult. (Legal requirement as some alcohol is provided).
Dress: Viking, Medieval, Gothic, Pagan, Magickal.
Bring: Plate, bowl, cup or drinking horn, cutlery, preferably all in a style to suite the atmosphere. A prize is awarded to the best place setting. Bring your favourite drinks. Some mead is provided for the toasts.
Accommodation: Cabins & dorms are available if required. 4,6,8 beds. If you have a requirement for a small cabin, please book well ahead. Bunk, mattress, pillow provided. Bring blankets or sleeping bag, it may be cold. Plenty of room for tents or vans for those who prefer camping.
Transport: Trains from Sydney Central station to within a couple of kilometers of the site. We will provide a phone number to call from the station to those who need to be picked up.
Deity Invoked: Odin, deity of the Runes, the Guild, and the Feast, will be invoked. Guests are asked to be mindful and respect the traditional toasts to the Gods and ancestors at the start of the Feast.
Weapons Table: It is traditional for each group of guests to place a weapon on this table as a sign that they are putting aside any conflicts for the duration of the Feast. This not only provides a spectacular hall decoration, it is also taken as a serious oath that nobody will cause any trouble. Always ask the owner of a weapon before touching it.
High Table: Seat of the Hosts. This is not a statement of superiority. The High Table is high in the sense of being a landmark, and is placed so that all guests can see the hosts and their ceremonies.
Behaviour: The Feast is not just another Pagan anything-goes party. Guests are requested not to indulge in drugs or excessive drinking. Warriorship is about self control, not being out of control. Much more fun can be had by all if people are aware of themselves and others. Remember that the Feast is a rite of fellowship. We are gathered to have fun, but not at the expense of others. The leaders of many groups will be present and the actions of individuals will be noticed.
Please fill in and sign the Registration Form
(This address must be typed in manually. Why?)
List of email addresses. See why
Ph. 0409 449 562
Kara, Feast Coordinator
Photos from Feast 99 (some interstate/international guests)
Photos from Feast 99 (the hall & merriment)
Photos from Feast 2001 (the 9th annual Feast)
Rune-Net Members: Feast attendance gives you free Rune-Net membership renewal.